SiIvaGunner Database

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Here you can find a selection of mostly Nintendo video game music. I do not own the rights to any of the music heard in these videos. Banner artwork is from the game "Tengami".


Published At: 2010-10-02 13:09:28

Status: Deleted

Custom URL: N/A

Country: N/A

Default Language: N/A

Hidden Subscriber Count: False

Video Count: 6403

View Count: 1498622418

Subscriber Count: 459000

Recent Uploads (View All)

Video Title Video ID Wiki Status Video Status Upload Date Channel Length Views
Pinna Beach - Super Mario Sunshine F6ZllTzs29g Undocumented Deleted 2020-09-25 20:12:28 GilvaSunner PT3M6S 183639
Bowser - Super Mario Sunshine fknEQ23IXVE Undocumented Deleted 2020-09-25 20:11:07 GilvaSunner PT1M52S 77380
Isle Delfino - Super Mario Sunshine 0QxlffIjLgs Undocumented Deleted 2020-09-25 00:33:58 GilvaSunner PT2M58S 177073
The Kidnapping of Princess Peach - Super Mario Sunshine aXQPm8uztA0 Undocumented Deleted 2020-09-25 00:33:22 GilvaSunner PT23S 49263
Hotel Delfino - Super Mario Sunshine sLN6x61MjMM Undocumented Deleted 2020-09-25 00:33:19 GilvaSunner PT2M50S 59634
Shadow Mario - Super Mario Sunshine fXelmec9ZUM Undocumented Deleted 2020-09-25 00:33:15 GilvaSunner PT1M 140961
Mecha-Bowser Rises - Super Mario Sunshine bbFVqILKZQk Undocumented Deleted 2020-09-25 00:33:15 GilvaSunner PT50S 59432
Boss Battle - Super Mario Sunshine HF1pEWLB6Xg Undocumented Deleted 2020-09-25 00:33:11 GilvaSunner PT1M50S 132850
Phantamanta - Super Mario Sunshine SkJPo_QbOK0 Undocumented Deleted 2020-09-25 00:33:10 GilvaSunner PT1M18S 48493
Course Intro (Shadow Mario) - Super Mario Sunshine 8TBH71-zM3U Undocumented Deleted 2020-09-25 00:33:07 GilvaSunner PT7S 76532
Inspector Gadget smiles at you.