SiIvaGunner Database

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hey its me john "like a dragon" yakuza and i will be running the channel from now on! idk where the other guy went i think he died on a green and purple overdose so i will be providing the most goofy and awesome rips this site has ever seen! idk who the other guys are on the banner but i think i see my man josh yakuza 0 in there hope he is doing well for himself.


Published At: 2015-09-05 02:58:22

Status: Public

Custom URL: @lowercase_letter_y

Country: N/A

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Hidden Subscriber Count: False

Video Count: 323

View Count: 211376

Subscriber Count: 701

Recent Uploads (View All)

Video Title Video ID Wiki Status Video Status Upload Date Channel Length Views
Guardian of Despair - Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth m-IWjQelfDg Undocumented Public 2024-04-03 07:02:14 lowercase letter y PT3M8S 243
[FANMADE] VICTORY! ICHIBAN KASUGA - Diary of a Tourney Kid iyFEae4owd8 Undocumented Public 2024-04-02 05:39:21 lowercase letter y PT36S 512
Kooky - Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth zXUsiufYJEw Undocumented Public 2024-02-26 23:00:38 lowercase letter y PT4M55S 702
Twin Machetes - Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth oqVWrj__3i0 Undocumented Public 2024-02-23 17:00:49 lowercase letter y PT2M48S 650
BARRACUDA - Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth 0Dav6updcRo Undocumented Public 2024-02-22 02:30:00 lowercase letter y PT2M44S 1586
Honolulu City Lights (Beta Mix) - Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth QN9ug6RaEK4 Undocumented Public 2024-02-20 03:21:33 lowercase letter y PT4M28S 317
Waikiki Down Beat - Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth 1-TXexbvyQA Undocumented Public 2024-02-19 17:00:02 lowercase letter y PT2M34S 397
Warriors' Bond - Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth gvHuzBBDQtM Undocumented Public 2024-02-19 08:00:21 lowercase letter y PT3M7S 404
Baka Darou - Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth ZJCSR5euN5Y Undocumented Public 2024-02-18 05:47:34 lowercase letter y PT4M6S 465
Wailing Warrior (OST Version) - Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name hRY_lHOddpA Undocumented Public 2024-01-08 03:45:27 lowercase letter y PT2M17S 646
Inspector Gadget smiles at you.