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SiIvaGunner Database

Astr0naut in the 0cean (A Mixed Ann0uncement) - R0ck Band 4 Internet Archive icon


Music: Astr0naut in the 0cean (A Mixed Ann0uncement) Perf0rmed by: Masked W0lf FLP: D0nnieTheGuy Playlist: Platf0rm: PlayStati0n 4, Xb0x 0ne welp, as of this video going public i am now officially 22 years old, and as a result the ripping bylaws which i just made up right now on the spot dictate that i must release an album featuring everything i made this year, so here you go: https :// featuring: - more or less everything i made and released this year (apart from the riptober stuff, that's on its own album) - relatively minor improvements on some tracks (or at least i hope that they're improvements) over the youtube versions, whether it be minor mixing changes or better quality stems - a fnf psych engine modpack containing every fnf rip (except the brightside one) i made this year contained in one week (plus individual downloads for each rip) - instrumentals - some other crap that i'm probably forgetting idfk as usual, please don't give me money for this bullshit (looking specifically at you, guy who paid 3 bucks for the riptober album). again though i'm not gonna bother with mirrors since in reality what are the odds of me ever running out of download credits lmao (don't bother asking for a full version of the aito/yankin mashup btw you're better off pestering someone who's way better at this shit than me to do it instead)


Published At: 2021-12-23 23:00:16

Channel: Albert Softie

Video Status: Public

Wiki Status: N/A

Duration: PT5M19S

View Count: 183

Like Count: 10

Dislike Count: N/A

Comment Count: 4

Category ID: 10

Tags: {"0":"Video Game","1":"Game","2":"Music","3":"OST","4":"Soundtrack","5":"album"}

Live Broadcast Content: none

Licensed Content: N/A

Region Restriction: {"blocked":{"0":"BY","1":"RU"}}

Content Rating: {}

Default Language: N/A

Default Audio Language: en

Dimension: 2d

Definition: hd

Projection: rectangular